Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hi all!

Going to post sth on this post since I created it.
Anyway, I went to RI yesterday to fold CRANES for charity. Went there to actually to get CIP hours
like who will not, it's just folding cranes but found it quite fun. Many schools went there to fold, surprise to me loh like how do they know about it!! There were pri, sec & even jc, the whole gym was damn filled. Sat in front of a group of pri school boys, they were like playing instead of folding-throwing paper, playing Nintendo DS, talking, eating. The funny thing was that there was this boy don't know how to fold, was 'dicovered' like one and half hour later that he don't know how to fold, wondered what he was doing all that time. The teacher was so blur loh walking around yet don't know the boy don't know how to fold. lol.

Can't remember how many cranes I folded, quite a lot I think. Wondered how many there was in overall. Left like nearly 3h later, cos everyone was leaving and my fingers were kinda aching, but nvm it was for charity.
So bored especially lessons now the HOLIDAYS are coming!! followed by the eyas.sianz.
Can't seem to think of any title/name for my blog. Will change soon. I hope.

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